Drinking tips at your fingertips

There are a wealth of resources online designed to help you manage your drinking. From drink trackers to calorie calculators, there has never been more access to alcohol resources to help you with your journey.  

We find that the people we work with get a lot out of having access to these resources. Here are some of our favourites: 

Drinkaware – Unit and Calorie Calculator 

There are lots of different unit and calorie calculators out there, but this one from Drinkaware is our favourite. It allows you to calculate the calories and units in a single drink and also has a tool to calculate your units across a whole week.  

We find unit calculators to be a very effective tool, as people are generally surprised at how fast your units can add up over several drinks. Remember, the official health advice is not to exceed 14 units per week.  


Try Dry: The Dry January App

Although advertised as a Dry January app, this app from Alcohol Change is a great tool to track your drinking at any time of year. The main benefit is you can track your drinking in a diary that also tracks your units, calories and how much you’ve spent. This lets you build a better picture of your drinking habits over a period of time.  

The app is free and available for IOS and Android. 


Breaking Free Online 

Breaking Free Online is an online tool developed by clinical psychologists designed to support people with their journey to change their drink and/or drug use.  

Breaking Free Online provides: 

Breaking Free Online is free and is available via https://www.breakingfreeonline.com and has a companion app for IOS and Android. To use it, you will need to use our access code, BDP01

Club Soda Online Community 

The Club Soda online community is a group where you can share your experiences, ask questions and receive mutual support from the seventeen thousand other people in the group. Not the type to put yourself out there? No problem. Once in the group, you can go back through the archive of topics posted by other people. There is so much fantastic information in these posts, and it’s empowering to be connected to a thriving recovery community.  

Access the group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/joinclubsoda 

Got any online tools you like? We are always looking for more! Drop us an email with your fav tool: info@bdp.org.uk