St Pauls Carnival 2018

We had a great time at the 50th Anniversary of St Paul’s Carnival. Our fantastic Engagement Team spent the day providing essential harm reduction advice and a safe place for those wanting to relax in our chill-out zone.

The carnival was a huge success for us with lots of good engagement and a lot of people telling us how great it was for us to be there. We gave out lots of good harm reduction advice and looked after a good few people at our chill out area.

– Marcus, BDP Engagement Worker

It was great to be a visible part of the local community we support, and engage with carnival-goers by giving out plenty of goody-bags and refreshments. Our photo booth with dressing up box and props provided quite the hit – even with the local Police force!

We were blown away by your team’s involvement, (we) had loads of great feedback from the public and also our own teams… We loved how cool, in both senses of the word, your chill out truck was!

The service BDP provide is fantastic and you should all be very proud!

– St Pauls Carnival

St Pauls Carnival 2018

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone at BDP who took part in the day’s events and provided carnival-goers with dedicated and expert support and information.

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