Health care for sex workers

Today, we launch the public face of Promote, an innovative new project supporting marginalised male sex workers and their clients (and sex workers of other underserved genders) to access a range of free and fair health care in Bristol.

Having been awarded HIV Prevention Innovation Funding in late 2017, the Promote project will advocate for the rights of sex workers, masseurs and escorts, working across all platforms of the sex industry, to access a range of support, with a focus on increasing access to rapid HIV testing.

Promote is part of our continued work into promoting safer sex and drugs in Bristol and exploring how Bristol could be responding to the chemsex scene. The new project will see us bringing our 30 years of experience working with underserved and hidden populations, together with Terrence Higgins Trust‘s, renowned support for HIV and sexual health. We will continue to build upon (our dedicated LGBT+ service) Prism’s strong relationships and innovative outreach with communities of men who have sex with men.

Find out more

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