Creative Communities – Upcoming Events & Groups

Creative Communities – Upcoming Events & Groups
Creative Communities offers a unique programme of weekly creative groups and events for adults affected by drug or alcohol use. Our experienced arts practitioners work alongside drugs workers and volunteers to build positive relationships, break through stigma, develop work and social skills, and create a vital and life-affirming sense of community.
To join a group please contact us on : BDP 0117 987 6000/07593 259 257 sophie.wilsdon@bdp.org.uk/creativecommunities@bdp.org.uk
Our Groups:

Rising Voices-
Tuesdays 5:00pm-7:00pm
St Pauls Learning Centre, 94 Grosvenor Rd, St Paul’s, Bristol BS2 8XJ
We are a choir open to anyone with lived experience of drugs and alcohol , plus people who work or volunteer in Drug and Alcohol services. We learn everything by ear, so no previous experience is needed. To join, just contact us via the details above.

Recovery Orchestra – Mondays 12:45pm-3:00pm
The Unitarian Hall, Brunswick Square, BS2 8PE
We are a supportive and friendly weekly music group for people with lived experience of drug and alcohol use. The orchestra is open to anyone who can play an instrument at a confident beginner level. As a group, we perform orchestral versions of popular songs and also create original music together. To join contact us through the details below.

Recovery in Motion – Tuesdays 11:30am – 1:00pm
The Unitarian Hall, Brunswick Sqaure, BS2 8PE
This gentle and relaxing movement group helps participants to explore emotions through dance, led by Charlie Korda, who is trained in movement therapist. Sessions encourage participants to connect with their bodies, work through trauma and communicate without the pressure of having to find the right words.

Beginners Music – Wednesdays 10am-12pm
Barton Hill
Open to total beginners who have lived experience of drug use and / or of being in the criminal justice system. We have instruments and can teach you how to play them! New starters — contact BDP or Changing Tunes.

Hip Hop Garden (Hip Hop and permaculture)Thursdays 11am – 1pm
Brunswick Square, St Paul’s, Bristol BS2 8PE
Facilitated by external hip hop artists, MoYah and KMT, we’ll explore environmentalism, song writing and performances. New starters — contact BDP first. Priority will be given to people of colour and under represented Bristol communities.

Bristol Sober Spaces-
We hold regular Sober Events, which have included Sober Club Nights, Hip Hop Nights, Band Nights, and we also hold a Sober Open Mic every three months. Keep an eye on our social media for our latest events. Visit our website for more info.

Oi Polloi- Wednesday Afternoons
Bristol Old Vic, King St, Bristol BS1 4ED
Oi Polloi is a creative programme that works with adults with lived experience of homelessness, people who use drugs or alcohol, or feel socially isolated for other reasons. To join please contact Creative Communities on 0117 987 6000 or engagement@bristololdvic.org.uk
Upcoming Events:

Bristol Sober Spaces: Open Mic- 21/03/25 – 7:30pm
The Orchard Coffee & Co, 20 Clouds Hill Road, Bristol BS5 7LA
Join us for our first Open Mic Night of the Year! Arrive at 6:30pm to sign up if you want to perform, or 7:30pm if you’re joining the audience. We welcome singers, poets, musicians, magicians, rappers, spoken word artists and more… Come along and perform for the most supportive open mic audience in town! Visit our website for more info!