This week Bristol Learning City are running their #ThisChangedMyLife campaign, encouraging people in Bristol to share a learning experience that has changed their life. They hope that by sharing stories they can encourage someone else to learn a new skill – and make a resolution that could transform lives, local communities and our city.

“At BDP we not only promote positive change in the lives of people who use our services, but also hope to change the lives of our volunteers,” said Sophie, one of our Volunteer Managers. As part of #ThisChangedMyLife, Sophie spoke to our volunteer Lisa, to find out the effect BDP has had on her life.

“I chose to volunteer at BDP because I wanted to get into social care as a career but I had no previous experience or qualifications. BDP enabled me to gain experience in social care and was also my placement for a college qualification in adult social care. After 3 years of volunteering, I have gained a level 3 qualification in adult social care. Volunteering has also given me enough experience to move on to paid employment as a mental health support worker.

BDP are a very supportive organisation and are keen to help individuals to progress into paid employment either with BDP itself or within other organisations. As a single parent with little qualifications or experience, BDP has given me the opportunity to change my life around and move on to great things. It has given me confidence in my abilities, has helped with my anxieties and has helped me grow as a person.

If anyone is considering volunteering as a way to give back and gain experience, I would say go for it. You never know what opportunities it can lead to.”

– Lisa, project volunteer

BDP are recruiting for new Project Volunteers in February 2018. If you are interested and would like to fund out more, please check out our website or contact Sophie Wilsdon on 0117 987 6011 or email

sign-up to volunteer

2 minute read

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