Today marks the anniversary of the first Coronavirus lockdown in the UK. On this national day of reflection, we asked Rosey if she could look back over the year that’s passed and reflect on her own experiences.

One year on since our lives were turned upside down & life as we know it changed forever. The past year I, as I’m sure many others, have had to take life one day at a time. With the ever-changing rules, restrictions & news, it has caused lots of stress, uncertainty & chaos.

I’ve experienced life in this way before, albeit in different circumstances – living with a family member in active addiction. We existed in survival mode, going from one crisis to another, never knowing what each day may bring.

I was worried that this new crisis may make me feel the same as I did back then, feeling trapped & never able to look forward. In reality, it has allowed time & space to really stop and think about what is important. The past year has been full of challenges for everyone, personally, I have faced redundancy, the death of a family member, contracting Covid-19 & suffering ongoing complications which resulted in a trip to the hospital, as well as not being able to see friends & family.

Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final. (Rainer Maria Rilke)

I’ve learnt to enjoy spending time at home with my boyfriend & enjoy multiple nights in watching Netflix. I’ve gone on many walks, runs & met up with friends outside when allowed. I’ve had multiple Zoom quizzes; WhatsApp group chats & cooked dishes I’ve never attempted before. I’ve learnt not to take things for granted & realise how fortunate I am to have a strong support network around me, as we experience this collective trauma together. Everyone has been affected in some way & I no longer feel alone.

A quote that has helped me this past year is from the film, Jojo Rabbit, and it says “let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.” (Rainer Maria Rilke).

While we can’t detract from how awful this past year has been, the collective grief, loss, stress & negative impact in so many ways, I’d hope that for many, they can find some sort of silver lining, however small, that has come from learning to live life one day at a time.

Rosey first connected with BDP via our Bereavement Through Addiction group. For more information on our BTA group please click here.

Today BDP celebrates its 35th birthday!

It was 35 years ago today that BDP first opened its doors to the people of Bristol. BDP was set up by a group of people with lived experience of a drug problem and impassioned probation officers. They identified the absence of support for people who used drugs in Bristol and designed and created a service to fill that gap.

Since then, BDP has grown and evolved but we still operate by the same philosophy as those early days; to support some of the most vulnerable members of our society in an open and inclusive service and to challenge the prejudice which people with drug or alcohol problems still experience and which remains a major barrier to people seeking the support they need.

Although our birthday celebrations will have to be a modest affair this year, we would like to thank each and every one of you that have interacted with BDP over the years. From the volunteers who give up their time, the people who use our services and our talented and passionate staff; you all have played your part in making BDP what it is today. Here’s to another 35 years (and much improved future birthday celebrations!).

We have published our 2020 impact report!

Despite all the challenges that were thrown at us, we are incredibly proud of what we have achieved this year. Our staff have gone above and beyond to support some of the most vulnerable members of our society. Through agile thinking and versatility, we have forged new ways of working, adapted our services to make them safe and inclusive and even managed to start some brand new services.

Read the report below:

The Drop Team

With clubs closed and festivals cancelled for the foreseeable future, it’s totally understandable that people are craving some loud music and proper dance. For the meantime, going to a free party or illegal rave might seem like a tempting alternative but it’s important to remember these are unregulated spaces which means there’s some extra tips and tricks you need to know to stay safe, particularly if you choose to use drugs.

Be as Covid Safe as Possible

We’ve heard reports of lots of covid cases connected to free parties so wear a face mask, use hand sanitiser and try to keep some distance from people outside your bubble. If you’re using drugs, don’t share snorties, drinks, spliffs or pass around baggies. It goes without saying, but don’t attend if you’re displaying symptoms, should be self-isolating or are waiting for the results of a test.

Have a Designated Driver

Having a safe way of getting home from a free party is essential – you never know when it’s going to get shut down, when the heavens will open or when the vibe might turn sour. Waiting in your car for hours to sober up is rubbish and so would getting pulled by the police for driving under the influence. Remember police can test for illegal drugs now, not just alcohol.

Only Take Substances You Know

If you’re going to take drugs, it’s wise to stick to substances you know if you’re going to a free party. There won’t be a welfare service there to look after you if something goes wrong. Read up on dosages, interactions and harm reduction practices before you go and stick to them. Don’t buy drugs from strangers.

Stick with Pals

Free parties can be in pretty remote places with patchy signal so it’s best to stick with your friends for the night and try not to get separated. Set a meeting point just in case someone gets lost. If you’re going to use drugs, let each other know what you’re taking and how much so if something goes wrong they can let the paramedics know.

Respect the Land

You’re a (probably unwanted) guest on someone else’s property so respect that. Don’t throw litter, nos canisters, baggies or anything else on the floor. Someone is going to have to clear it up eventually.

Take Supplies

Bring plenty of water, snacks and loo roll. It’s not like a regular festival, there won’t be designated water points or food stalls to keep you going. Make sure you’re dressed appropriately- bring warm clothes, a water proof and proper shoes. British weather can’t be trusted.

Be Mindful of the Police

The police showing up is pretty much inevitable so be mindful of how you behave around them. Being antagonistic isn’t going to help the situation at all and will make it more likely that you’ll become the focus of their attention. If you’re stopped by police you can calmly ask if you’re be detained. If they say no, you are free to leave. If they say yes and that they would like to search you, they must have reasonable ground to do so. Read this guide to learn about your rights during a stop and search.

Think About Whether it’s Really Worth It

After the party in Yate Bristol’s Covid rate sky rocketed, two people were issued with £10000 fines and the police have shared images of attendees in a hope to identify them to charge them with a variety of offences. On top of that, raving during Covid gives the scene such a bad rep! The end is in sight so save your dancing shoes for the summer.

If you would like to know more about harm reduction, would like some support around your drug use or are concerned about a friend or family member, please get in touch on 07903799104, at or on our socials @TheDrop_BDP

With all the usual fresher’s events cancelled or moved online and the 10pm curfew for pubs and bars, it seemed almost inevitable that student flat/house parties would fill the void. However, these events have already be linked to Covid outbreaks in a number of student halls across the country and sadly, multiple drug related deaths. It’s practically impossible to host or attend a party at the moment without putting yourself and others at risk of Covid but if you choose to, follow this advice to limit the spread of Covid and keep yourself safe.

Read Your University’s Disciplinary Procedure for Covid Rule Breakers

Obviously everyone is disappointed that regular fresher’s week isn’t happening and the temptation to break the rules, head to a big party and meet some new friends is strong, but is it really worth losing your place at university over? Check the rules and procedures your university has in place and use this information to inform your decision.

Speak To Your Bubble

Going to party isn’t just ‘your business’ anymore. If you’re planning on breaking Covid restrictions, speak to your flatmates about it. You don’t know what underlying health conditions they may have, whether they’ve lost a relative to Covid or if they’re particularly anxious about the whole thing. You’re bubble is going to be your main social circle for the foreseeable future, so try not to piss them off.

Sit It Out If You’re Feeling Unwell

If you’re feeling unwell, sit this one out. If it’s Covid, you could be responsible for getting your whole block locked down. If it’s something else, your immune system will be weaker which means you’ll be more vulnerable to catching Covid and more likely to bring it home. Drinking and taking drugs will also batter your immune system so remember to get some sleep, eat well and stay hydrated.

Read Up On Your Drug(s) of Choice

Whether you’re new to taking drugs or consider yourself a bit of a psychonaut, have a read about whatever drugs you plan on taking (appropriate doses, drug combinations to avoid, less harmful ways of ingesting drugs etc.). Avoid taking a bigger quantity or wider range of drugs than you had planned. The more drugs involved, the more unpredictable the effects. Don’t forget that alcohol is a drug.

Sharing Isn’t Caring

It might seem nice to share whatever you bring to the party but keep your spliffs, cigs, balloons, snorties, baggies and drinks to yourself. These are all great ways to pass on Covid and you risk legal repercussions if you share anything illegal. If someone offers you a line, check what it is! So many people end up having a terrible time at parties when they mistake a line of ket for a line of coke. As always, practice good hand hygiene, try and maintain social distancing and wear a mask when you can’t.

Know What To Do In An Emergency

Although it’s relatively uncommon, people do end up in hospital and sometimes even die from taking drugs recreationally. No drug use is 100% safe so make sure you and your mates tell each other what you’ve taken, stick to harm reduction advice, keep an eye out for each other and call 999 if something doesn’t seem right. It’s far better to overreact in these situations than not react at all. Someone’s life could be at risk. Read how to spot overdoses from common recreational drugs here.

And Finally, Get Out of Halls and Explore The City!

Going to, or hosting, a party is a risky business these days, especially if you’re a student. You could get a £10000 fine, be kicked out of uni and get Covid-19 all in one night. It’d be one to remember for all the wrong reasons. Why not make the most of the city you now call home; head out on the iconic Stoke’s Croft, pretend you’re at a festival at an outdoor music event or enjoy a local delicacy (cider, obvs) by the waterfront on King Street. You’ve just arrived in a new city, there’s more to explore than your halls of residence.

If you would like to know more about harm reduction, would like some support around your drug use or are concerned about a friend or family member, please get in touch on 07903799104, at or on our socials @TheDrop_BDP

Ever made a New year resolution? The change of year can be a great time to put a best foot forward towards a goal. 

Maybe you want to take a small step towards cutting down your drinking or you want to cut drugs or alcohol out of your life completely. Here are some of our top tips to help you with your goals this January.

What are your reasons for making change?

Identifying why you want to achieve a goal will dramatically increase your chance of achieving it. A great way of doing this is to write the reasons down. This will give you something to look back on when you are struggling or have lost motivation.

Setting realistic goals

Making large changes to your lifestyle and habits takes time. It is unrealistic to completely change your behaviour overnight. Take your time and don’t try and to do too much too soon. The key really is consistency and not large scale short term change. 

Don’t be too hard on your self

We’ve all been there when trying to change something in your life. You start out strong in the beginning, fully committed to your goal, but as time passes you start to slip and before you know it you’ve fallen off the horse completely. Putting too much pressure on yourself can mean it is much harder to get back on track if you slip up. 

If you do slip up don’t be too hard on yourself, just accept that it was a mistake and start again with a fresh mind. 

Use technology

There are a ton of bits of technology that can help you achieve a goal. From apps to support groups using technology can be a great aid to staying on track. 

Why not try:

Breaking free online – Breaking Free Online is a digital resource to help you on your journey with alcohol and other drugs. Along with Staying Free, the partner app, it provides tools, techniques and tips to help you to understand and cope with your alcohol use.

You need an access code to sign up, put just pop us an email at or ring the helpline on 0117 987 6000 and we’ll provide you with the code.

Drinkaware – Drinkaware has a whole host of amazing tools to help you along your journey with alcohol including a Unit to Calorie Calculator, self-assessment tools and drink diaries.

Club Soda – Free online course and huge facebook support group focussing around abstaining from alcohol.

Try Dry App – Download the free app to help you meet your goals, whether you want to take on Dry January (or another dry challenge), cut down on your drinking, or go totally alcohol-free.

Other help and advice

Starting out on the journey can be hard and confusing but we are here to help. If you need any advice or guidance feel free to get in touch and we can let you know some best practices or point you in the direction of an appropriate service. 

Get in contact:

Telephone – 01179876000

Email –

Contact form – Click here